E - Services
- Membership Notice in Mandatory Pension Fund (OMF) and Balance at Personal Account (OR) (https://mssintranet.gov.hr/regos)
- My account - REGOS (APIS) (https://www2.regos.hr/regos/servlet/RegosInit)
- Insight into the status of your personal account (https://www2.regos.hr/regos/servlet/Osiguranik)
- lectronic Document Request (https://www2.regos.hr/regos/servlet/Izbor)
REGOS electronic services system (ENA)
- ENA (https://ena.regos.hr/)
- My mailbox (https://ena.regos.hr/osiguranici_moj_sanducic/pregled)
- Submission of electronic document request (https://ena.regos.hr/osiguranici_predaja_upita/upiti)
List of electronic documents for insured persons (ENA):
- JOPPD form - Report on receipts and paid contributions for pension insurance of 1 January 2014. (https://ena.regos.hr/osiguranici_predaja_upita/upiti)
- Excerpt from the REGOS Register - until 31 December 2013. (https://ena.regos.hr/osiguranici_predaja_upita/upiti)
- Report on the balance and turnover on the personal account (https://ena.regos.hr/osiguranici_predaja_upita/upiti)
- Certificate of the compulsory pension fund membership (https://ena.regos.hr/osiguranici_predaja_upita/upiti)
- Notification of the cash value of assets on the personal account (https://ena.regos.hr/osiguranici_predaja_upita/upiti)
- Copy of the application for compulsory pension fund registration (https://ena.regos.hr/osiguranici_predaja_upita/upiti)
- Excerpt from Other Income Register - until 31 December 2013 (https://ena.regos.hr/osiguranici_predaja_upita/upiti)
- Certificate of share ownership (https://ena.regos.hr/osiguranici_predaja_upita/upiti)
Pension (HZMO)
- User pages (https://ssl.mirovinsko.hr/nias.aspx)
- Request an informative calculation (https://ssl.mirovinsko.hr/izracun.aspx)
- Initiate the pre-completion process (https://ssl.mirovinsko.hr/pretkompletiranje.aspx)
- View your information registered by the Croatian Pension Insurance Institute
- Application / cancellation data (https://ssl.mirovinsko.hr/prijavno_odjavni.aspx)
- Data on qualifying periods, salary and basis (https://ssl.mirovinsko.hr/staz_placa.aspx)
- Data on other income (https://ssl.mirovinsko.hr/prijave_place2.aspx)
- Track your application (https://ssl.mirovinsko.hr/uredsko.aspx)
- Access the child allowance calculator (https://ssl.mirovinsko.hr/izracun_doplatak.aspx)
- Obtain your electronic record (e-employment booklet) (https://erps.mirovinsko.hr/ESOWebSite_Private/)
- Verify electronic credentials (https://erps.mirovinsko.hr/ESOWebSite_Public/
- Request and receive e-certificates from the pension system (Certificate of qualifying periods and salary, Notification on realised other income, Certificate of the use of pension insurance rights) (https://epotvrde.mirovinsko.hr/)
- Verify the credibility of e-Certificates from the pension system (https://epotvrde.mirovinsko.hr/provjera-izdane-potvrde)
- Submit e-applications (Electronic Business) (https://lana.mirovinsko.hr/)
Health (HZZO)
- http://www.hzzo.hr/e-gradani/hzzo-za-e-gradane/
- http://dzo.hzzo.hr/